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China opposes Taiwan to join CPTPP


China spoke out after Taiwan Island applied for CPTPP, the Agreement that Beijing was also wanting to become a member country.

We resolutely oppose any country with official exchange with Taiwan and resolutely opposite the fact that the Taiwan region joined any formal treaty or organization, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman

China Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman was knowing at the press conference in Beijing on September 22.

The statement is given after the Taiwanese island government applies to join the comprehensive partnership agreement and trans-Pacific progress (CPTPP).

Taiwan cannot be left in the world and must integrate the regional economy, Taiwanese government spokesman Lo Ping-Cheng said.

Negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), the precursor of CPTPP, initially led by the US, as an increase in the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan became a leading water adjustment process, then changed its name, and signed successfully in the following year.

Australia This week said China must end the freezing state contact with Australian high-level politicians if they want to join CPTPP.

Japan welcomed Taiwan to join CPTPP, Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told reporters in New York on September 22.

Taiwan was out of many international organizations for a Chinese policy, considering the island as a part of China's unified territorial territory.

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