Daily Cancer Horoscope July 10 (10/07)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

July 10


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 9/10

Adopting a que sera sera attitude to a certain situation might bring some short-term comfort but if it isnt clear there is work to be done, then it will become clear soon. As sensible or practical as it might be to leave a situation to unfold in its own way and time, youre going to have to take the oars and help steer it to a desired destination. It will just drift otherwise and in a few weeks, youll wish you had taken the initiative to steer it now.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

With the Full Moon waning in your opposite sign, certain tensions or anxieties should be diminishing but one particular issue you wish would go away or resolve itself is likely to continue staring you in the face until you choose to tackle it. This will require you to accept the need to obtain more information than you have available to you in some way and its time someone spilled the beans properly!


summary cancer weekly

Star 10/10

Artists know when to walk away from a masterpiece. As tempting as it might be to add another dab of paint, they reach a point where they know enough is enough and further adding more will risk ruining what theyve worked hard to create. Similarly, this week, you need to be aware of how you must cease adding to something that needs to be accepted for what it is. This might take the form of a harsh realization but its important to be accepting of what is truly finished.


summary cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Coming weeks could bring a need to become reclusive, not out of moodiness or unwillingness to interact with others but because you might feel its necessary to enjoy some you time in order to focus on tasks, plans or a project that need your undivided attention. The Full Moon on the 9th could coincide with you making clear what youre no longer prepared to accept where one relationship or contractual arrangement is concerned. As the month draws to a close, you could be focused intently on boosting your income and one idea holds serious moneymaking potential.


health cancer daily

Star 10/10

A \"hot under the collar\" feeling might plague you today. Working out your own health regimen is very challenging. There is an initial phase of voices inside the head saying things like, \"Feed me ice cream or I will hate you!\" and, \"I\m too tired to exercise!\" With practice you will learn to calm them down with, \"You will feel better and it won\t take that long!\" and, \"I\d rather you eat this fruit salad with fresh raspberry sauce.\" Yum!


health cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

For someone who likes to have balance, it can be especially unnerving to be caught unawares. There is some panic that often occurs, a feeling of urgency and a sense of responsibility to make everything OK. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and develop a systematic way of dealing with this feeling. Deep breathing exercises, which are taught in most yoga classes, along with drinking a few glasses of water, are the best ways to calm the body and the mind.


health cancer weekly

Star 8/10

You might benefit from an alternative treatment. Aromatherapy can have a powerful effect on one\s mood, especially if you suffer from mood swings. Regular massages with essential oils will help you feel lighter and less worried. You might also find benefit in flower or gem essences for certain health issues. Be willing to explore various options.


health cancer monthly

Star 7/10

As Saturn continues to reverse in your wellness sector, this month and the coming months offer a chance to restructure your routines. You may have desired change for a while, especially as the presence of Saturn here can make you conscious of exactly what needs to change. Doing it can be another matter, however, and something that requires application. You may find that having a personal trainer or life coach who can support you when you need it is the best way to reach your goals. Being accountable to someone might encourage you to push past those obstacles and go for it.


love cancer daily

Star 7/10

If you don\t make something quite plain, the elements of your love life could become very confused. The energy of today\s astral configuration has the same effect as a very misty day, and words or certain statements made by you or your beloved could be taken in several different ways. So it is wise to keep your wits about you if trying to get an important point across.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

Romance tends toward a more lighthearted flirtatiousness, with today\s celestial energy. If you are wondering how to go about finding that special person, then you would be better off seeking out some new social groups that share similar ideas and ideals to those you hold and are interested in. In this kind of situation you will have far more success, and more opportunity. Be adventurous!


love cancer weekly

Star 7/10

Are you having trouble getting closure from a past relationship? Even if the breakup was quite some time ago, you may not be over it yet. Find someone in the beginning of the week who can relate and share your stories. Theres comfort in knowing someone else feels the same way. Its hard to be the one solo person amid a sea of couples over the weekend, but your turn will come. Smile as if it doesnt bother you.


love cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Youre been searching for the perfect partner, but during the July 5 Sun/Jupiter square you always seem to end up disappointed for some reason. Are you being too critical or do you deserve more than youve been getting recently? Deep down, you know the answer. A Mercury/Saturn trine on July 19 shines an honest spotlight on your love life, and this could be when you realize how things are rather than how you wish they were. Eye-opening experiences arent always pleasant, but theyre necessary for growth. Your feelings are hurt easily when Venus enters your sign on July 26. Try not to take things personally.


career cancer daily

Star 9/10

Financial matters are in your favor. This is a good time to ask for a raise or a promotion. It wouldn\t hurt to buy a lottery ticket on the way home either. Your luck is quite strong and you have the opportunity to benefit from this luck monetarily.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

Take a more conservative approach to your work and all career matters today. You will gain more respect from peers and employers when you reveal your steady, grounded, and practical side. There is no need for bells and whistles. Just hard work.


career cancer weekly

Star 9/10

Expect to have a pleasant period now. Your natural enthusiasm is contagious and will make you a favorite with co-workers and people you meet on the job. This time could see you at a crossroads. Doing what you care about with your whole heart is always a better choice than just working for a bigger paycheck. It\s is a high-energy time that\s ideal for anything that allows you to travel or market your ideas to a wider audience.


career cancer monthly

Star 8/10

A partnership will come to a satisfying conclusion on or around July 9. Working with an experienced executive has been instructive. Now youre ready to go solo. At times youll feel vulnerable without your associate. Push past your fears and rise to the challenge. Youre a born leader who now has all the tools needed to succeed. An exciting moneymaking opportunity will arrive near July 23. Any ventures involving entertainment, childrens goods, or gambling could be especially profitable. Youll have to move quickly to corner the market, but it can be done. Dont be afraid to face down an intimidating rival.



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