Daily Libra Horoscope July 02 (02/07)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

July 02


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 10/10

As you seek to strengthen certain relationships or possibly one in particular through encouraging a much deeper and more meaningful level of dialogue and communication, it could become clear how at least one involvement is benefiting from your effort. Its by being so open and honest with others now that openness and honesty will be reciprocated. What you receive now is largely dependent on what you give.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

Summoning energy to do what you know is expected of you could be difficult today. Every task might be on par with wading through treacle but it is important some level of progress is made. Its better that something gets done in a painfully slow way than not done at all. So, smile and take your time.


summary libra weekly

Star 9/10

When we try to assess how we might be able to offer support to someone, we often create lists that far exceed what might be necessary. Showing support neednt involve grand gestures of compassion or even considerable effort for that matter. Sometimes, a single word can be enough to ensure someone is completely reassured were on their side. This week, a subtle show of support to someone can be more than enough to help them feel loved, comforted and secure.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

Venus exerts a fantastic influence on anything associated with broadening the mind and anything connected with travel, publishing, media or broadcasting is superbly starred. Librans looking for love could find it with someone connected with overseas or who has a unique and intriguing background. A home or family matter raises its head around the Full Moon on the 9th and priority might need to be given to resolving a family-related issue. A new income stream or surprise bonus could remove any worries about finances. Be patient and see what transpires!


health libra daily

Star 7/10

You are the born traveler - the individual who follows adventure and seeks to be illuminated. You can figure out the most picturesque way to get from A to B, and you don\t mind any adventure that crosses your path. You need to have a regular sports activity in your life in order to feel well, and your adventurous spirit suggests that it might be a risky one that fascinates you the most. Keep yourself fit at all times in order to enjoy the freedom of action you so desire.


health libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

With today\s astral configuration, you have a hand in bringing the focus to yourself. It\s time to consider the path that you\ve taken over the past year. What has helped you get your body\s needs met? Remember the days that you were good to yourself. They included fresh, delicious food, healthy exercise, and an overall relaxed feeling with no pressure to be or do anything different. Think about increasing the number of these days over the next month.


health libra weekly

Star 8/10

The cosmos offers you an opportunity for a new beginning. Think about your health. Are you happy with your physical condition or could you do more to improve it? Think about what you need to improve in particular, set goals, and make a plan. You\ll be more likely to stick with your new routine if you begin now.


health libra monthly

Star 9/10

With Neptune now reversing, you could have key insights into your health and wellness that prove very useful. Neptune in its retrograde phase often brings greater clarity and understanding of a situation. In this case, you might be able to discern a deeper reason for any physical unease. Neptune is also a very ethereal and mystical planet, so you could easily pick up on other peoples feelings and even their pain, especially if youre very close to them. Staying grounded and getting plenty of exercise can offset this and help you feel more self-contained and energized.


love libra daily

Star 10/10

The current aspect at play highlights a mystical experience in connection with someone rather special. If you have managed to get that all-important first date, then you may find that your feelings seem to run very deep. It could be that you have shared many past lives together, in which you both had access to a profound level of understanding. Now you meet again.


love libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

The current astral configuration brings with it the need to be alone in order to contemplate some of the events that have happened recently, and also to help you to come to an understanding of what it is you want out of a certain relationship. You need this space so that you can center yourself and calm down. Once you have regained your bearings you will be fine.


love libra weekly

Star 7/10

When you look into your romantic future at the start of the week, what do you see? If you\re worried about things that haven\t even happened yet, try to calm down and rationalize. Being overly emotional isn\t helping. Parts of the weekend could be stressful, especially if there are relatives or friends around who insist on criticizing your love life. Make it clear that your business is just that - your business.


love libra monthly

Star 10/10

When Venus visits Gemini on July 4, your velvet tongue paves the way for many dating adventures. Smart is sexy, and youre looking intelligent as heck! Its hard to control your nervous energy during the Mars/Uranus square on July 17, so you may say or do uncharacteristically unrefined things on a first date. Its never too late to recover, but try not to let the awkwardness go too long without addressing it. A lingering but indescribable fear prevents you from moving forward during a Venus/Saturn opposition on July 24. If you cant pinpoint and remedy the problem, wait to act when youre feeling more confident.


career libra daily

Star 8/10

Going with the flow today may get you in a great deal of trouble. Many people are trying to convince you that their way is the right way. There are many charlatans out there so be careful. Don\t sign on to any get-rich-quick deals at this time.


career libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

You may get your hand slapped today for not paying attention to specific details that called for your scrutiny. Admit these mistakes as they arise, instead of pretending that you had nothing to do with them. Next time, check your work more carefully.


career libra weekly

Star 10/10

It\s important to have very high standards for your work. The more demanding you are of yourself, the easier it will be to accept criticism from others. You\ll already know when you\re doing a good job. This is a pleasant time for working comfortably with people in situations you know well. Bring your lunch to work in order to save money. If you already do this, plan a potluck to build staff morale.


career libra monthly

Star 10/10

You could get a lot of emotional satisfaction from facing down a workplace bully on July 9. People often confuse your gracious manner for personal weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. By standing up for yourself, anyone who seeks to intimidate you will learn a valuable lesson. July 23 invites you to get involved with a professional organization. Joining it will expand your social network to include some glamorous people. Use these contacts to attract the kind of creative assignments you crave. Youve been blessed with artistic ability. Getting paid to exercise it will be the answer to a prayer.



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