Daily Leo Horoscope September 17 (17/09)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

September 17


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 10/10

The Moons influence in your sign could underpin your communication with more passion than youve been able to muster recently. You also could find youre taking a matter of principle more seriously than you have of late. The main issue might surround your belief that someone doesnt share your levels of integrity. However, its clear that the upper hand or final say on a matter lies with you.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Right and wrong ways to convey whats on our mind or in our hearts exist at any time but, as far as one situation in your world is concerned, this is a time when logic needs to be balanced with passion. If your heart is truly supportive of what youre keen to convey, then dont be apologetic about doing so. This is a time to say it as you see it!


summary leo weekly

Star 10/10

Try to be aware this week of a desire to wish you could turn the proverbial clock back to do something differently. Ask yourself: is this helpful or productive? Its equally unhelpful and counterproductive to be in too much of a rush to alter the future. So, where does that leave you? In the present, thats where! Something needs your attention and effort here and now. Give both, and youll benefit from a valuable, helpful - and timely - discovery the cosmos wants to offer you.


summary leo monthly

Star 7/10

If youve felt recently that a cherished ambition was dangled cruelly in front of you and out of reach, then coming weeks could make it possible for you to grab it with both hands. Your passion levels are focused on something or someone to encourage a new and exciting chapter to commence. Dont rule out ways in which destiny is helping to take you to a stage in life that you need to be at. All eyes could be upon you, but for all the right reasons. This is a month of well-deserved praise and recognition - and in more than one area of your world!


health leo daily

Star 9/10

You will be inspired today, and things will come easily to you. Make sure you do not overeat, and take care to stay away from drinking alcohol. Anything you do that is a part of your health routine will feel enhanced. A yoga class could transport you to an unusual place of confidence and calm. Take stock of your health, and appreciate the comforts in your life today. It\s a day to feel fully alive!


health leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your sixth sense may feel like it\s on strike today. You may need to take the day to re-charge your batteries, something you don\t do nearly enough of! I suggest taking yourself to the floor. You need the assurance of good solid ground beneath you, holding you up and taking in all your weight. A yoga class or just a nice long stretch in your own home will ease your body and give you the sustenance you so often go without. It\s recommended to eat something hearty today.


health leo weekly

Star 9/10

Nervous tension could be your biggest problem. You could be doing a lot more work with your brain now. At times like this, when you\re so intent on achieving your work goals, it\s all too easy to forget to take care of your body. Try to take time away from the mental activities in order to exercise and eat well.


health leo monthly

Star 7/10

You could find that with disciplined Saturn, your health planet, in a more creative and sporting sector, activities that require fitness and endurance appeal to you. Hiking a demanding trail or setting a bold fitness target could give you something to aim for, and you might enjoy the challenge besides. If that isnt your style, you might find other forms of exercise, such as Pilates or resistance training, another way to channel excess energy. Once potent Pluto turns direct in your wellness sector, you could turn your attention to ways to enhance your body and change it for the better.


love leo daily

Star 10/10

You have a very interesting proposition on your plate today. Your partner may suddenly surprise you by wanting to make the commitment to the relationship both deeper and stronger. Where they choose to make this announcement may not be in the comfort of home, but somewhere so amazing you will think that you are dreaming. So will you say yes?


love leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

You have an ingenious plan today to try and attract the attention of that special person. You are feeling especially bold. You would like to think they are romantic, but you\re not totally sure. As they are likely to tell you exactly what they do feel, don\t be too shocked. On the other hand, it could be the best conversation you\ve had in weeks.


love leo weekly

Star 7/10

Your next great romance might be with a friend of a friend. Or a casual business acquaintance. Or someone you knew from school ten years ago. Use your vast network and considerable social skills to hook up with all kinds of different people at the start of the week and see if theres a love connection! Limiting yourself over the weekend serves no purpose. Saying no for no apparent reason is self-sabotage. What are you afraid of?


love leo monthly

Star 8/10

You shine as dynamic Mars in your sign trines unique Uranus on September 2, and you love to be illuminated. You get lots of romantic offers, but perhaps only a couple that are appealing. A Venus/Saturn trine on September 12 sets you on a search for your next committed relationship, but again, you may get more advances from those you dont think worthy. Should you consider lowering the bar or be patient a while longer? Murky Pluto turns direct on Sept 28, and as the darkness lifts, it gets harder and harder to remember why you were so distraught over an ex. Hindsight is always 20/20.


career leo daily

Star 9/10

Your grounded, practical, and concrete plan is being shaken up by something unexpected. There is rigidity in the air that is making it difficult for you to roll with the punches. See the wisdom, not the aggravation in the information that comes.


career leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Be gentle with your co-workers, and especially with yourself. You will have a tendency to be too critical of your own work today, something that is very self-defeating. Give yourself a break and realize that it is always okay to make mistakes.


career leo weekly

Star 7/10

Co-workers could be particularly emotional at the beginning of the week. This may open a needed conversation about what causes stress. At the very least, you can learn from what you see. The middle of the week can bring dramatic confrontations or at least a high level of frustration because of someone\s behavior. You\ll need to be your most diplomatic. It\s important to say what you think. Your original point of view can help everyone do a better job.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

You could receive a bonus in early September, when an enriching full moon brings financial rewards. Take this chance to indulge in some creature comforts. When you enjoy the fruits of your labor, you can reach even greater professional heights. Resist the temptation to work around the clock. It will only burn you out. You could be working on a thankless assignment around September 20, when the conflicted new moon limits your financial opportunities. Not only will the pay be shoddy but youll also have to deal with a hypercritical client. Theres a good chance youll hear complaints no matter how accommodating you are. The sooner you finish this job, the happier youll be.



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